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The Lerch Tavern Grove - Artifacts on Display

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Seitzinger Property Iron Fence

 Several sections of iron fencing are on display on the north edge of the Lerch Tavern Herb Garden. The fencing, visible behind rows of ornamental grasses, consist of (3) 9-foot sections and one 3-foot gate. The fencing was originally installed at Seitzinger’s stone house in Wernersville, The home was located on land purchased by the Herb Motor Company. The home was torn down and replaced with Herb Motors’ parking lot.














South Mountain Manor Pool Fence

This piece of fence, installed on the west side of the herb garden, was originally part of the fencing around the South Mountain Manor Pool.


In the summer of 2013 two members of the South Heidelberg Centennial Committee took a tour of the South Mountain Manor (Walter’s Park) grounds with members of the Wernersville Water Authority.

Everything was gone and they were in the final stages of filling in the swimming pool.

Arrangements were made to have a piece of the fence given to the Heidelberg Heritage Society.

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Gate Valve from the Wernersville State Hospital Mill Dam


Formerly a surface water supply, Mill Dam/Wernersville State Hospital Dam was removed from Hospital Creek on State Hospital property in August 2019 to eliminate unneeded infrastructure. The 25-foot-high, 248-foot-long dam was built in 1937.


With the dismantling of the mill dam, the Heidelberg Heritage Society was contacted as a potential site for preservation of several artifacts from the dam site.


Along with five stones from the dam structure, a gate valve was delivered to the Society and installed on the property at 182 West Penn Avenue. The gate valve is set on a concrete slab, surrounded by the dam stones and located on the west side of the Lerch Grove.


The gate valve was manufactured by The Rodney Hunt Company of  Orange, MA.



The control for the gate valve is displayed on the Heritage Society  property.


The photo on the right, taken in 1937, is the original location of the dam gate and valve.


The valve was on top of the dam breast and connected to the gate by means of a long solid steel rod. Water normally covered the gate and most of the rod. In order to operate the valve, a worker would have to walk across the dam breast to reach the valve.

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