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Dedicated to the collection and preservation of materials, structures and landmarks which may help to establish, illustrate and arouse interest in the historic records of the areas comprised of Wernersville and surrounding townships commonly called the Heidelbergs. 

The Historic Lerch Tavern
182 West Penn Avenue
Wernersville PA 19565

The Lerch Tavern is a museum and non-circulating library with emphasis on local history and culture. An extensive collection of accessions received from local families and businesses is on display in several rooms and organized as collections representing Family Life, Community, Occupations, South Mountain Resorts and Florence Schlott, one of the founders of the Society.

The Heidelberg Heritage Society is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Your tax-exempt donations support the programs and events held throughout each year and the operations and maintenance of the historic Lerch Tavern and Wernersville Train Station. We are most grateful for the interest and support of our members and community.

The Wernersville Train Station

20 E. Penn Avenue

Wernersville PA 19565

The Heidelberg Heritage Society has restored the Wernersville Passenger Station in the interests of historic preservation. The facility is incorporated into the Society's programs and will host special historical displays and events.


The building is a community heritage resource accomplished with funding provided by the Heidelberg Heritage Society, Sociey members, the local community and a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Grant. The restoration was completed in June 2013. 


The Station is open by appointment and as scheduled for special events.

Visits and tours of the Wernersville Train Station may be arranged by calling Richard Schuster at 610-574-2786.

Wernersville Train Station
20 E. Penn Ave., Wernersville PA 19565

Federal EIN: 23-2010090

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